Thursday, January 23, 2003

Nicola had a baby girl yesterday. Gianni. She was born with Downs Syndrome and had to have an operation for a problem in her duodenum. I am feeling very heavy on their behalf as I think about what they will have to deal with. Especially as they already have 5 kids under 8. I cant imagine how they will find enough time for the kids, let alone each other.

Lauren has been competing at the State Championships the past week. She has done incredibly well. She had a very full program and we were concerned that she wouldn't last the whole week. Today is her last day and so far she has done all PBs or just over and has had one third, 4 fourths and 2 sevenths. This in an open field that includes four people who competed at the World Championships. She is very happy with how she went.

Monday, January 13, 2003

It is my boss's first day back at work after being off since the 20th December. I have done a lot of work on the report and expanded it dramatically. I am confident that I have done a good job, but my confidence took a dent. It is also Donna's first day back at work today too. She has been on tenterhooks, for months because she is uncertain about her future since she was employed to fill a maternity position. The person she replaced has made no effort to return or even make contact and it is past 12 months now, so Donna will be sorting out a permanent position this week. I know she will feel a lot more relaxed once she has done that. Both Lauren and Adam are on Camps this week, for swimming and rugby league.

Friday, January 03, 2003