Sunday, August 28, 2005

Push to ban headscarves divisive: Dems - National -

Noone who had read my blog would be surprised to hear that I am opposed to this move to ban the use of headscarves. For a start, while I agree that moslems are using the head scarf as a badge of 'defiance', I don't agree that they necessary mean that they are supporting terror. What I think they are saying is that in spite of the negative pressure exerted by their society, they are still proudly moslem. It is interesting though that it is the women that must bear the burden of this 'defiance'. I wonder why moslem men are not required to show some visual symbol of their religion?

Another interesting effect of this proposal is that moslem girls are far more likely to experience Australian life and become integrated into Australian society if they are attending public schools, yet by following this course of action, we are forcing these girls into the limited thinking that would be provided by attending a religious school.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Although I feel that I could do more to make the world a better place, it fills me with joy to think that my efforts and those of others who petitioned the Australian Government to act for this man have saved his life. Aussie wins clemency from Vietnam death sentence - World -

Too often, we say, "But what can one person do" but this is another illustration that one person can make a difference!

Friday, August 05, 2005

I just checked my cousin's blog The Adventures of a Little Fish in a Big Sea and was disappointed to find that he hadn't blogged since April, when it occurred to me that it had been quite a while since I had blogged too. I have no idea whether anyone reads my blog because I have never had a comment added (sorry Louanne, I forgot that you did once). I suppose when we blog we are all hoping that someone out there cares enough to stop by and read. But then again, I read lots of blogs and almost never leave any comments. I wonder, if this need to be noticed/loved is something we all feel, but that we tend not to reach out, how ironic it is. Is it really that simple, that all we need to do is to reach out instead of waiting for others to reach out to us?