Friday, May 30, 2008
While this article is not the ideal article to highlight, because it is clearly generally accepted as bad taste, to wear a Klu Klux Klan outfit, it illustrates how ludicrous our society has become. The other example today was of the woman in bondi wearing a kefiyah style scarf. I would link to it but it seems to have disappeared.
The Henson nudes is another example of self righteous bandwaggoning.
The other thing that annoys me about these examples is how they are splashed all over the media for about two days as if they are the most important thing in the world, then they quietly move over for some other fascinating tidbit. It really points to an incredibly shallow society.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Lets ban these bombs
I've just reminded our Government that we're supposed to be one of the good guys - cluster bombs are weapons that break up in mid air to litter the ground with mini-bombs, some of which remain unexploded for years awaiting innocent civilians. But as the international community meets in Dublin to ban them, the Australian Government is going out of its way to frustrate the process.
Thousands of civilians have lost their lives and limbs, mainly children from Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon. But our Government is trying to water down the treaty that could ban them.
They're hoping this issue will slip under the radar without anyone noticing - but the stakes are simply too high to ignore. We need a strong international treaty to prevent horrors like those experienced as a result of land mines, and that decision is being made right now in Dublin. Join me in banning the bombs: