Friday, June 20, 2008

Coming soon: meet the wife, she's a robot - Technology -

Coming soon: meet the wife, she's a robot - Technology - "partner" It is interesting that this article totally ignores real relationships in it's description. The characteristics of 'love' that are being considered are basically about self gratification. There is nothing of real love referred to at all. Certainly it is clear from the article that the most desirable feature of an ideal lover is to be totally compliant to our own desires. I don't think there is any possibility of real personal growth through this type of relationship. If this is really what the future holds, then perhaps Aldous Huxley will have been far closer to the truth than he could possibly have dreamt.

Monday, June 02, 2008


These quotes that landed in my In box today really summarise my attitude to prayer.

He prays best who does not know that he is praying.

St. Anthony of Padua

Prayer at its best is an attitude, an awareness of God's presence. It's a feeling that we are not alone, no matter where we are or what we're doing. It is a thankfulness, a silent appreciation of and communion with our source.

Most of all, prayer is stepping back and letting go. It is a conscious awareness that we are the instruments of God's will, that your greatest fulfillment and satisfaction
come in letting that will - not ours - prevail. The best prayer is remembering that your self-will consistently gets us into trouble and that listening for God's will is
the way out.

Karen Casey