Thursday, August 29, 2002

As usual, we are spending a lot of our time taking Lauren to swimming and all the other activities the kids do. Lauren swam in the Disabled State Championships on the weekend and did well. She swam one PB and all the rest of her swims were very close to her best.

Tonight Karl is performing in the School Variety Night. He is performing in the Senior Band and the Stage Band where I think he is going to be singing. He is also singing a solo "The Rainbow Connection". Unfortunately, Adam has a variety night on as well, where he is performing in a vocal group, so we have to split up. I will be going to see Karl and Donna will be watching Adam.

Rochelle is playing Clarinet in her school band. It is still early days though and of course she is a long way from performance level but she is really enjoying it and making good progress.

Donna is working more and more. She is still not permanent, because the lady she replaced was on Maternity Leave has not committed to whether she is coming back. I think she will feel a lot better when she does.

I am reading Peace is every step by Thich Nath Hanh at the moment. It is a book on Buddhist meditation in a busy western society. It is very uplifting. I am finding that it fits very closely with the things that I have already been reading in Awareness.

Yesterday, I downloaded The Divine Office for Palm Pilot. It has the readings of the hour plus the daily mass readings and the saint of the day. I am not sure how often I will read it but it amazes me what you can get.

Work is going well. I am enjoying the work and the people are good. It has a very positive feel about it and there look like there is plenty of work available.

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