Sunday, October 08, 2006

TJ's First Birthday
Oct 7, 2006 - 50 Photos

We had a great day today with Craig and Jenny. Craig is Donna's nephew and it is their son TJ's first birthday today.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Reclaim control of blacks' destiny - National -

A very difficult issue this! I can certainly see the point. Current policies have not worked. Clearly, something different is needed. However, if this is a good policy, shouldn't it also be applied to other welfare recipients. What about people who are a drain on our health system by smoking, overeating or taking drugs. The questions becomes where do you draw the line?


Friday, June 09, 2006

I have just finished reading Jane Fonda’s autobiography My Life so far. I am finding it hard to remember what my impressions of her were before I read the book I have seen some of her movies, but I don’t think I ever really gave her much thought. I had heard her speaking on the radio (Life Matters) about her book and found what she had to say sufficiently intriguing to buy the book (not something I do very often).

Once I started reading it I could barely put it down. I finished it in just over a week. One of the reviewers had said that it is more a journey than a story, and I think that is a good summary of it.

Interestingly, I found that I was very able to relate to her and it seemed like many of her issues resonated with me. If you read it you would find that amusing, because one of her kids described her as a chameleon, changing her colours to suit the man she was with. I hadn’t thought much of this, but I certainly find that when I read a story, or an essay I get so involved with the author’s thinking that it is very difficult for me to separate their opinions from my own. I am really struggling as I read this to remember a single book where I felt it difficult to relate to the narrator. Possibly, this could be that I don’t choose or continue to read books that mismatch. I have read a couple of Hannibal Lecter books so surely I didn’t relate well to him, but still I must have been able to empathise at some level

One of the ways that I particularly felt an affinity with her was that I find it very difficult to assert myself and my own needs around Donna (and the kids). I find that I don’t even bother trying to set an agenda for our lives and just go along with the flow. This isn’t totally true, because I do sometimes choose something different, but it seems pretty rare to me. Donna tells me that I am too self absorbed. My own feeling is that even if I am, I tend to be self forgetting and don’t look after myself enough. I wouldn’t say that I am selfless, but rather that I have always seen my needs as less important than others. This is at one level. However, at another I think I recognise that I am entitled to look after myself, but rather than do something about it, I am just resentful of the people who seem to take first claim on my time. Unfortunately this can often mean that I shutdown. Effectively this means that while I am not making myself available to others, I am also not doing anything useful or comforting for myself. Seems very passive aggressive.

It feels as though this condition is effectively paralysing me. I am not sure how to break out of it. It seems that breaking out of this pattern requires a more radical change than I am willing to undertake. However, it is driving me crazy.

The other (and perhaps related) issue that the book brought out for me is the burning desire/feeling that I have been placed on earth for a very specific purpose and that I am doing almost nothing to bring it about. If I look back I can score myself well on my life so far, but it doesn't feel as though I created it. More than anything I think I have persisted and haven't walked away from my responsibilities. But, as I mentioned above, this hasn't always been active.

I will continue to think (about this and perhaps comment here).

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I went this morning with Lauren and Rochelle to the Blacktown City Festival. They were marching with their school in the parade. I really had a good time. The girls were supposed to arrive about an hour before the parade so I had the chance to look around for quite a while before the parade started. I really enhoyed looking around at all the various cultural groups mixing together and making Blacktown into a great community. I started the morning by eating a Thai sate stick with peanut sauce and moved on to having a chat with a kurdish woman from Turkey and buying a baclava from her.

During the parade there were cultural groups from Uruguay, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Holland and China as well as all the service clubs, some church groups and so many other groups. The actual parade lasted for just over an our and there were about 70 different groups in the parade.

After the parade, of course we had to go and get lunch. Rochelle and I split a Gozleme made with mince, fetta and spinach, and Lauren had an indian chicken curry.

I left with a really positive feeling about our community.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Rifle baffles terrorist - World -

'The Americans hope to isolate religious extremists from insurgents they believe are more likely to cut a deal to end thewar.'

What a pity they didn't try this strategy three years ago. They might have saved a lot of deaths.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Softly, softly, jihadists are lured into peace - World -

Now this sounds like a promising alternative. I hope we hear more about it in the future.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Navy may force Papuan boats back: ministers - National -

If you believe, like me, that Australia taking this sort of action is unjust, let Alexander Downer know. Send him an email at indicating your position.


Friday, March 03, 2006

Iraqi opposition against Jaafari grows

It seems that as far as the US is concerned, democracy should only go so far, and no further.

I can't believe the US people continue to finance this debacle that has achieved none of its original stated aims and is costing trillions of dollars a year.


Saturday, February 25, 2006

Doubt at the Opera House

Adam had to see a play for drama so Donna and I decided to make the most of it by seeing something significant. This sounded good and all we had read about it was good but it exceeded my expectations completely.

Only four actors, but very powerfully performed. The scenes were simple but effective. I won't spoil it by going into detail but it was tense, hilarious, and disturbing. All of the characterisations were really well done and it was easy to take on the conflicts going on in their minds.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Australia wins Winter gold - Sport -

How wierd is this thing called Nationalism. Yesterday, noone in Australia had ever heard of Dale Begg-Smith. He wasn't born in Australia, and being an freestyle mogul champion, he probably spends most of his life outside Australia. Yet, we all well up with pride and congratulate ourselves on having our first winter gold medal. Does anyone else find this funny?


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Not sold on the hard cell solution - Opinion -

Another great article from Ross Gittins. You don't have to be a bleeding heart liberal to consider other options than the simple solutions of the redneck agenda.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Alleged syndicate organiser arrested - World -

Lucky for him that the Federal Police afforded him the courtesy of arresting him in Australia. I wonder why they didn't do the same for the Bali Nine?


Monday, February 06, 2006

Gay Rights

I feel the need to state my view on Gay rights. This is prompted by this article on Webdiary

As a matter of social justice, Gay people are entitled to the same equality before the law that are available to all. It is without question, unjust that property rights, inheritance rights, and legal recognition of commited relationships are not available to them.

I really struggle to understand how any fair minded person, christian or not can be opposed to that.As far as custody rights, once again, I believe that a person's sexuality should not be relevant to their right to custody. Similarly, on the matter of adoption of a partner's children, I believe that homosexuals should have the same rights as all others.In the matter of government subsidy of fertility programs, I find it a little more difficult to support. Especially in the case where the only need for the fertility program is an unwillingness to try the natural method. Here, my objection is really just a matter of priorities. I don't think, when the health budget is so tight, that this is a justified expense. I have a similar view for hetrosexual couples.For couples wanting to adopt children, although I agree that the ideal situation is for parents to be a hetrosexual couple in a stable relationship with no mental or physical health problems, this is an ideal that is rarely possible. I have no doubt that children can bloom in a healthy homosexual family as well as in any other. However, I would hope that the child's best interest is always the prime motivation, rather than any political or social agenda.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Holy words come at a hefty price - World -

Perhaps they have been misquoted, but it seems to me like another sign of how far Power has taken these men from the Love of God.


Friday, January 20, 2006

The Bartlett Diaries » West Papua - asylum seekers and lessons from our history

A good discussion by Andrew Bartlett of the issues around the Papuan refugees.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Asylum seekers boat found - National -

How will the Talk Show Jocks and the other commentators react to this? Clearly we have a moral duty to grant these people asylum, assuming their story is true. I look forward to seeing how the DIMIA reacts.


Guard forces disabled duo to crawl - National -

This story doesn't add up. Obviously, the security guard was an idiot, but if these guys needed wheelchairs to get around, why didn't they have their own? After all, when they got out of the car somewhere else, how were they going to move away from the car.


Monday, January 16, 2006

Ruddock canvasses ID card review - National -

I have very mixed feelings about this. I can see the positives for this. If there is a reliable identifier that business can use to verify someone's identity, it will dramatically reduce fraud, however, recording that ID no against a record will make it infinitely easier to match data from a variety of sources. It scares me that this is happening under a government that has shown that it is not really interested in getting consensus.


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Marriage: same sex, same difference - Opinion -

This well thought out article makes you wonder why anyone who believes in liberal democracy would have the slightest hesitation to allow gay marriages. I definitely do not want to live in a theocracy, so why am I not more actively supporting the right of homosexuals to marriage (by whatever name).


I spent the week with my sister Nicola in Crescent Head. We had a great time with their kids. I have to say though that it was good to get home to the relative peace and quiet of our place.

It is interesting that I am feeling a little inhibited about what I write after Nicola telling me (referring to my speculation that noone reads this) that she does read it.

It is one thing writing thinking that noone is reading, though that seems strange given this technically public forum.

Nic's house was totally chaotic and I don't think I could stand it for too long, but, despite that, the kids seem to have a great time and are all great kids.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Gay cowboy film blackout up north - Film - Entertainment -

This is really going to confront a whole lot of people. I hope it is very successful so that people are forced to think through this issue.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

Street Stories - 24/12/2005: Locked In With Friends

I listened to this story on Podcast yesterday and it really hit home with what we could have been dealing with after Lauren's incident. This guy has been confined to a bed for eight years now without any ability to communicate or move. What is surprising is that his friends continue to keep up regular contact with him. Very moving story, especially after what we have been through.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

For heaven's sake - Books - Entertainment -

Great article. I agree with so much of what she has to say. I bet there are lots of conservatives squirming over this.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Just put it up: Iemma - National -

This is starting to look like jingoistic McCarthyism. Do we all have to prove we are Australian by plastering every building with an Aussie flag? It is starting to be a bit llike those American movies where people randomly recite the Pledge Of Allegience and criticise others for not joining in.


We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty (I
think that God as Father is limiting. For me, Lifeblood, or Life force rings

maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.
(I don’t know if God created the earth or it has always been. It doesn’t matter
to me either way. What I do believe is that God is at the centre of all

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father,

God from God, light from light, true God from true God,

begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father. (Is
Jesus God? I think that Jesus is God in the sense that we are all part of the
Unity of God. I think that Jesus’ self awareness or God-awareness is what makes
him God.)

For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven,

by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary and became truly
human. (Jesus has shown by his example a way to God)

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;

he suffered, died and was buried.

On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures;

he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,

and his kingdom will have no end. (Now this one, I have no
clue about. I guess I will just have to wait and see.)

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son. Who with the Father and the Son is
worshiped and glorified.

Who has spoken through the prophets. (For me, this part of
God is the part that I see most clearly. The Spirit of God as the Life
force/heartbeat is what I relate most to)

We believe in one holy Catholic and apostolic Church. (This
is one that I really can’t agree with. Even though Catholic means universal, I
can’t see any universality in the Catholic Church. The exclusion of homosexuals
and the judgemental attitude that seems prevalent in both the church hierarchy
and far too many Catholics makes me feel uncomfortable to claim it as mine.)

We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. (I
believe that there is nothing to forgive. Perhaps that is because of Jesus’
Death and resurrection, or perhaps not. I believe that our separation from God
is an illusion that we create for ourselves. There is nothing to forgive,
because there is no separation.)

We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.
(I believe that Eternal life is now. We do not have to
wait for death to join in the life of God, it is already available to us if we
only accept.)
