I feel the need to state my view on Gay rights. This is prompted by this article on Webdiary
As a matter of social justice, Gay people are entitled to the same equality before the law that are available to all. It is without question, unjust that property rights, inheritance rights, and legal recognition of commited relationships are not available to them.
I really struggle to understand how any fair minded person, christian or not can be opposed to that.As far as custody rights, once again, I believe that a person's sexuality should not be relevant to their right to custody. Similarly, on the matter of adoption of a partner's children, I believe that homosexuals should have the same rights as all others.In the matter of government subsidy of fertility programs, I find it a little more difficult to support. Especially in the case where the only need for the fertility program is an unwillingness to try the natural method. Here, my objection is really just a matter of priorities. I don't think, when the health budget is so tight, that this is a justified expense. I have a similar view for hetrosexual couples.For couples wanting to adopt children, although I agree that the ideal situation is for parents to be a hetrosexual couple in a stable relationship with no mental or physical health problems, this is an ideal that is rarely possible. I have no doubt that children can bloom in a healthy homosexual family as well as in any other. However, I would hope that the child's best interest is always the prime motivation, rather than any political or social agenda.
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