While I don't have a solution to the refugee problem, I am constantly stunned at the self righteous anger of most people who oppose Australia's policy on refugees. People seem to act as if they were born in Australia through some act of personal good work.
If you are Australian it is purely a stroke of luck. You have done nothing that makes you more deserving of the safety and security of Australia than a refugee from Sri Lanka or Afghanistan.
I wish people would have the honesty to say, I don't care about your circumstances. If you come here you are reducing my personal wealth and so I don't want you here.
All these arguments about queue jumpers, people smugglers and economic migrants are just excuses to fool ourselves.
People are fleeing from genuine fear for their safety and security. They could sit in a refugee camp and wait, but in most cases, they would never get to the front of the queue. The number of people wealthy countries are willing to take is far less than the number of people 'in the queue'. It is not really a queue, unless it is moving.
Let's admit that it is only by 'the grace of God' that we are not refugees, and try to come up with a solution to the problem from that angle.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The heartlessness appalls me
Monday, March 29, 2010
Interesting strategy
I am a bit confused about what the point of the billboard might have been for the church, perhaps just to be noticed, but I am amazed by the people that would be offended. It as if God is not strong enough without their support?
I can't imagine what the God in their minds must be like who has no sense of humour, gets offended at the smallest of 'insults' and needs to be constantly protected. Certainly not the type of God that I imagine, and hardly the type to be worshipped.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
How long will Christians continue to ignore the injustices that are life in Israel?
Every day there seems to be a new example of systemic racism in Israel. With South Africa, there was a worldwide boycott. Israel, gets more and more funding from the US, no matter how often they infringe basic human rights.
in reference to: Arab family denied right to rent home - The National Newspaper (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, March 22, 2010
Has Julian Porteous been taken out of context?
I hope so. Otherwise, I think his priorities are badly mistaken.
Of all the negative influences on young people in society, I think that yoga, tai chi and Harry Potter fall a long way down the list. I guess he has grabbed a headline, but has he done anything to bring anyone closer to the kingdom of God? I don't think so.
I would have thought that materialism, poor self-mage, greed and many other aspects of society have a far greater influence for "evil" amongst young people than yoga.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tired of living Euthenasia law
This concept really bothers me. I would equate it to my opposition to the death penalty. The problem is that it is irreversible. There have been plenty of people, regardless of age, who have felt "tired of living" at one point in their lives but have later rediscovered their reason to live.
I would hope that any decision to do this would only be after significant psychological counselling, but my concern is that those who are doing the counselling may lessen the value of a life just because of the person's age.
I think this is a huge extension from "the right to die" when there is a medical condition and this really does bother me.
Monday, March 08, 2010
Sharia Law in Australia
I think one obvious flaw in the argument that Sharia Law should be allowed in Australia, is that it would only be fair in Australia if both parties were willing to be judged under Sharia law. If they both agreed, then there would be nothing stopping it being used anyway. As soon as one of the parties disagreed with the judgement they would have to be entitled to reject sharia law and be bound by the law of Australia. There is no way the legal system would agree to enforce religious laws against someone who was unwilling to be bound by them.
in reference to: Muslim leader wants elements of sharia in Australia (view on Google Sidewiki)