Being a bit of a geek, I am always quick to investigate the latest technologies.
I love to be competent in any software that is around and so, I have taught myself web programming, as well as the various social media and other online trends.
Things like Foursquare excite me and make me want to get involved, but I wonder what it is about Foursquare, Twitter, Facebook, MSN and all the other recent tools that attracts so many of us?
I remember reading/hearing once that 75% of all human communication can be summarised as "I'm still here. Do you care?" When I think about it, I think that is probably fairly accurate. The thing that all of these things have in common is that they are all attempts for us to become more connected with others. But is that connection a genuine connection where we are attempting to build each other up and encourage the other to be their best self, or just an attempt to gain the reassurance that someone does care?.
For all the ways we now have to connect with each other, do we feel better for it, or just as inadequate as before, or worse, even more so. I need to remind myself to slow down, stop, reflect and consider what is it that I am looking for when I try to connect. Hopefully, when I do that I will remember that I already have what I think I am looking for.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Social Media, Mobile phones and Ego
Sunday, July 18, 2010
What a sad state of affairs
Tony Abbott, who proclaims himself a christian, is boasting about how little compassion he has, in the hope that Australians will think that makes him worth electing.
What makes it even more sad is that Julia Gillard feels the need to sink to similar levels.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Challenging Stereotypes
One good thing to come from the ascension of Julia Gillard is the way it has challenged so many stereotypes.
As this article says, Kevin Rudd, with his working wife started the process, but having an unmarried aetheist with a de facto partner is definitely a challenge to many people's thinking.
I have been pleased to see how little negative attention this has received in the media.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I'm amazed at the Google bashing!
What amuses me is that Conroy and others who are bashing Google are not saying, "If you are concerned about your privacy, encrypt your wireless network."
It seems incredibly irresponsible that they are not using this as a lesson to people about their own responsibility to protect their privacy.
Google did not decrypt wireless communications, they did not linger to collect more data.
Anyone with a laptop and some free software downloaded from the net could have gotten far more data than this. Anyone who cares has already protected their network.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Interesting standards
This whole female circumcision thing is a fascinating example of double standards.
I am not advocating female circumcision by any means, just observing the double standard.
Our society still engages in male genital mutilation with only a small amount of criticism.
We have no problem with abortion.
We actively encourage female mammary mutilation, face lifts and stomach tucking, in the interests of 'beauty' but we become moralistic and self righteous when it comes to female circumcision.
Am I the only one who thinks there is a degree of hypocrisy happening?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Scientists playing God?
In many ways, this is no different from any other technological advance in the history of the world.
Germ warfare, dynamite, the atomic bomb, and so on. There is always the potential for technology to be used for good or bad.
Where the problem seems to be at the moment is that the potential size of the impact of a bad use of technology is enormous.
It may be difficult for society to come up with ethical principles for the use of these technologies until after they have been used for evil.
There will always be scientists and entrepreneurs looking to use new technologies for their own benefit.
Our strongest defence against this is for people to make the effort to understand the issues as best they can, and to develop a strong ethical framework. The more intelligent, rational discussion we have about these issues, rather than narrow and uninformed proclamations, the better.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Homophobia alive and kicking.
Would this really have played out this way, if the sex club was a heterosexual one? I doubt it.
Clearly, behind all the political correctness, there is still a veneer of homophobia that runs deep in the public consciousness.
When Kevin Rudd visited a Strip Club, he was given a pat on the back by the media and considered a good bloke.
I doubt if the scandal is just that he used his government car to do it. I would bet that every minister uses their government car for personal purposes at times (and that seems reasonable).
No, seems like homophobia to me.
Monday, April 19, 2010
When is it politically correct to use alcohol as an excuse?
I agree with the gist of this article.
One thing that really concerns me though is that a woman is considered not to be able to give consent if she is drunk because she is not competent, wouldn't the same logic excuse the male who is also drunk because he too is not competent? I am not proposing this is the case, I am just noticing a double standard in how we apply the principles of personal responsibility!
Looking forward to some stimulating responses!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
What is this about?
To me it just sounds like populist crap. I bet they will try harder to keep high profile cases in than others, regardless of what the evidence of non responsiveness to rehabilitation efforts.
Not sounding good for the next twelve months.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The heartlessness appalls me
While I don't have a solution to the refugee problem, I am constantly stunned at the self righteous anger of most people who oppose Australia's policy on refugees. People seem to act as if they were born in Australia through some act of personal good work.
If you are Australian it is purely a stroke of luck. You have done nothing that makes you more deserving of the safety and security of Australia than a refugee from Sri Lanka or Afghanistan.
I wish people would have the honesty to say, I don't care about your circumstances. If you come here you are reducing my personal wealth and so I don't want you here.
All these arguments about queue jumpers, people smugglers and economic migrants are just excuses to fool ourselves.
People are fleeing from genuine fear for their safety and security. They could sit in a refugee camp and wait, but in most cases, they would never get to the front of the queue. The number of people wealthy countries are willing to take is far less than the number of people 'in the queue'. It is not really a queue, unless it is moving.
Let's admit that it is only by 'the grace of God' that we are not refugees, and try to come up with a solution to the problem from that angle.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Interesting strategy
I am a bit confused about what the point of the billboard might have been for the church, perhaps just to be noticed, but I am amazed by the people that would be offended. It as if God is not strong enough without their support?
I can't imagine what the God in their minds must be like who has no sense of humour, gets offended at the smallest of 'insults' and needs to be constantly protected. Certainly not the type of God that I imagine, and hardly the type to be worshipped.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
How long will Christians continue to ignore the injustices that are life in Israel?
Every day there seems to be a new example of systemic racism in Israel. With South Africa, there was a worldwide boycott. Israel, gets more and more funding from the US, no matter how often they infringe basic human rights.
in reference to: Arab family denied right to rent home - The National Newspaper (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, March 22, 2010
Has Julian Porteous been taken out of context?
I hope so. Otherwise, I think his priorities are badly mistaken.
Of all the negative influences on young people in society, I think that yoga, tai chi and Harry Potter fall a long way down the list. I guess he has grabbed a headline, but has he done anything to bring anyone closer to the kingdom of God? I don't think so.
I would have thought that materialism, poor self-mage, greed and many other aspects of society have a far greater influence for "evil" amongst young people than yoga.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tired of living Euthenasia law
This concept really bothers me. I would equate it to my opposition to the death penalty. The problem is that it is irreversible. There have been plenty of people, regardless of age, who have felt "tired of living" at one point in their lives but have later rediscovered their reason to live.
I would hope that any decision to do this would only be after significant psychological counselling, but my concern is that those who are doing the counselling may lessen the value of a life just because of the person's age.
I think this is a huge extension from "the right to die" when there is a medical condition and this really does bother me.
Monday, March 08, 2010
Sharia Law in Australia
I think one obvious flaw in the argument that Sharia Law should be allowed in Australia, is that it would only be fair in Australia if both parties were willing to be judged under Sharia law. If they both agreed, then there would be nothing stopping it being used anyway. As soon as one of the parties disagreed with the judgement they would have to be entitled to reject sharia law and be bound by the law of Australia. There is no way the legal system would agree to enforce religious laws against someone who was unwilling to be bound by them.
in reference to: Muslim leader wants elements of sharia in Australia (view on Google Sidewiki)Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Economics of population
I wonder why the media and other commentators don't bring up the big pluses for immigration. One, they are needed to create extra demand for the capitalist system. Two, the only way we will be able pay pensions for the baby boomers is through the increased tax base that comes with increased immigration.
Obviously, the impact on the environment needs to be considered, but for those who think this is important, a far more effective action would be to reduce the use of high energy appliances.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Luxury at the gates of Hell
Great article. Very thought provoking. My first reaction was one of disgust. But really, the fact that they are right there, indulging in luxury is no worse than us living our affluent lifestyles in Sydney, or wherever else. For that matter, it isn't just when an earthquake struck that Haitians suddenly started suffering. The majority were living in dire poverty already, yet how many of us cared less.
We need to do far more to change the world so that poverty and injustice do become history.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Background story on Peter Spencer
This is a great article giving the background to the Peter Spencer issue. It really annoys me how the redneck media (led by 2GB) jump on an issue without any detailed analysis and call for a simple solution that involves criticising the government. It seems like in reality, Peter Spencer is largely responsible for the position he is in. I wonder if all the lemmings who are supporting Peter Spencer would agree to a doubling of their taxes to fund this and every other populist cause that the media use to drum up emotion to feed their advertising revenues?
in reference to: Michael Duffy (view on Google Sidewiki)