Monday, March 26, 2007

I think the timing of my haircut is ideal for this experiment. I desperately need a haircut and I expect my hair is going to get uncomfortable, so the shorter the better. Off I go at lunchtime to get it cut.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

A friend was telling me the other day how he hadn't used shampoo or any hair care product for four years and that he had discovered that once your body gets over the initial shock (about six weeks) it goes really well. He just washes it with water and that is all. He is very image conscious and looks great. Anyway, I thought about trying it but chickened out. Then yesterday, I stumbled across this from Richard Glover. I have now decided that I am going to give this a go. Now that it is getting cooler, it might be bearable trying it out. I will update progress here.