Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Social Media, Mobile phones and Ego

Being a bit of a geek, I am always quick to investigate the latest technologies.

I love to be competent in any software that is around and so, I have taught myself web programming, as well as the various social media and other online trends.

Things like Foursquare excite me and make me want to get involved, but I wonder what it is about Foursquare, Twitter, Facebook, MSN and all the other recent tools that attracts so many of us?

I remember reading/hearing once that 75% of all human communication can be summarised as "I'm still here. Do you care?" When I think about it, I think that is probably fairly accurate. The thing that all of these things have in common is that they are all attempts for us to become more connected with others. But is that connection a genuine connection where we are attempting to build each other up and encourage the other to be their best self, or just an attempt to gain the reassurance that someone does care?.

For all the ways we now have to connect with each other, do we feel better for it, or just as inadequate as before, or worse, even more so. I need to remind myself to slow down, stop, reflect and consider what is it that I am looking for when I try to connect. Hopefully, when I do that I will remember that I already have what I think I am looking for.

in reference to: How I became a Foursquare cyberstalker (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What a sad state of affairs

Tony Abbott, who proclaims himself a christian, is boasting about how little compassion he has, in the hope that Australians will think that makes him worth electing.

What makes it even more sad is that Julia Gillard feels the need to sink to similar levels.

in reference to: We're tougher on asylum seekers, says Abbott (view on Google Sidewiki)