Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Challenging Stereotypes

One good thing to come from the ascension of Julia Gillard is the way it has challenged so many stereotypes.

As this article says, Kevin Rudd, with his working wife started the process, but having an unmarried aetheist with a de facto partner is definitely a challenge to many people's thinking.

I have been pleased to see how little negative attention this has received in the media.

in reference to: Gillard defends partner's job (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'm amazed at the Google bashing!

What amuses me is that Conroy and others who are bashing Google are not saying, "If you are concerned about your privacy, encrypt your wireless network."

It seems incredibly irresponsible that they are not using this as a lesson to people about their own responsibility to protect their privacy.

Google did not decrypt wireless communications, they did not linger to collect more data.

Anyone with a laptop and some free software downloaded from the net could have gotten far more data than this. Anyone who cares has already protected their network.

in reference to: Google Wi-Fi snooping not so bad: privacy commissioner (view on Google Sidewiki)