Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Economics of population

I wonder why the media and other commentators don't bring up the big pluses for immigration. One, they are needed to create extra demand for the capitalist system. Two, the only way we will be able pay pensions for the baby boomers is through the increased tax base that comes with increased immigration.

Obviously, the impact on the environment needs to be considered, but for those who think this is important, a far more effective action would be to reduce the use of high energy appliances.

in reference to: Australia's population debate (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Luxury at the gates of Hell

Great article. Very thought provoking. My first reaction was one of disgust. But really, the fact that they are right there, indulging in luxury is no worse than us living our affluent lifestyles in Sydney, or wherever else. For that matter, it isn't just when an earthquake struck that Haitians suddenly started suffering. The majority were living in dire poverty already, yet how many of us cared less.

We need to do far more to change the world so that poverty and injustice do become history.

in reference to: Passengers in the lap of luxury at the gateway to hell (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Background story on Peter Spencer

This is a great article giving the background to the Peter Spencer issue. It really annoys me how the redneck media (led by 2GB) jump on an issue without any detailed analysis and call for a simple solution that involves criticising the government. It seems like in reality, Peter Spencer is largely responsible for the position he is in. I wonder if all the lemmings who are supporting Peter Spencer would agree to a doubling of their taxes to fund this and every other populist cause that the media use to drum up emotion to feed their advertising revenues?

in reference to: Michael Duffy (view on Google Sidewiki)