Monday, June 07, 2004

Although we have started the readjustment process, there is still a long way to go. Donna and I both spent most of the weekend at the hospital. However, we managed to get a break when we went in to the city to watch Karl performing in "A Touch of Broadway". This was done by his musical society from the Uni. We had a dinner at a Korean BBQ restaurant before hand and even managed to win the raffle. It was a wonderful break. Therese stayed with Lauren while we went there.

Both Donna and I are back at work today. The grandparents are taking turns to look after her during the day. The worst of that is that the specialists come during the day and we have to rely on the questions that they ask. Tomorrow both of us will be there while the Angiagram and other tests are performed. Hopefully we will get a chance to speak to the Heart Specialist while we are there tomorrow.

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