Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Lauren is home now. Hooray!

Hooray! Lauren has had the ICD test and everything went well. They
had to induce an arythmia and hope that the ICD would kick in.
Everything worked correctly thank God. I am sitting beside Lauren as
I type this. She has to wait for 4 hours in her room after the
procedure. She is driving us crazy asking questions about when she
can get up, eat, walk around, leave. It now looks like she will be
leaving tomorrow. There is a remote possibility that she can leave
today, but given the length of time the beaurocracy takes to get
through things, it will probably be tomorrow.

I know there will still be a bit of settling before we get back to
normal, but at least we can start to plan our lives again.
I think I need to travel a few times in the next few weeks, but the
thing I am most looking forward to is our week holiday in Boambee bay.
It will be great just to veg out for a week. Hopefully, we will get
a chance to really relax.

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